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    Megnosis is leading the medical and healthcare device fields with differentiated insight.

    We See the Unseen

    Alzheimer's disease Biomarker based on reactive EEG (rEEG)

    Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using EEG uses the property that EEG slow down in patients with dementia.  

    However, since the EEG of a normal person slows down equally depending on the degree of depression or mental and physical stress,

    the diagnosis accuracy is low with only general EEG.


    Megnosis analyzes Alzheimer's disease with the reactive EEG (rEEG) method.

    Megnosis made rEEG, a technology that measures the activity of neurotransmitters in brain cells.

    What is Reactive EEG (rEEG)?


    Brain analysis usually uses spontaneous electroencephalography (EEG), also known as EEG. With the development of quantitative EEG (qEEG),

    brain waves are classified into frequency spectrums such as delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves,

    and each brain wave is analyzed quantitatively using size and relationships between them.


    However, the disadvantage is that it is unknown which part of the brain generates a specific brain wave (source problem),

    and as a result,

    the measured brain waves contain a mixture of various information that is not easy to separate.

    For this reason, accuracy is low for diseases that require precise analysis, such as dementia diagnosis.


    Meanwhile, ERP (Event-Related Potential), an evoked brain wave,

    tests the user's sensory perception through stimulation of sensory organs such as visual or auditory stimulation.

    It is mainly used to test the function of sense organs, and has limitations in measuring cognitive abilities

    such as memory or frontal association analysis.


    In order to overcome these shortcomings of spontaneous EEG and obtain new brain information

    that cannot be measured in spontaneous EEG and ERP,

    Megnosis developed the world's first reactive EEG (rEEG) method.

    Reactive EEG is a new brainwave measurement and analysis method that applies an electric field to the brain and

    measures the responsiveness of brain cells to that stimulus.

    Spontaneous EEG is a passive brain wave, while rEEG is an active brain wave.

    The response of healthy brain cells is an active signal,

    while the result of degenerative or unhealthy brain cells is an inactive signal,

    so stimulating brain areas related to cognition can measure cognitive functions such as memory, dementia, and depression.


    rEEG can be used not only for cognitive functions such as dementia,

    but also for early detection and analysis of other brain-related diseases such as Stroke, Parkinson, Epilepsy, Panic Disorder, and ADHD.

    In particular, in the case of Alzheimer's dementia,

    rEEG is completely different analysis from neuropsychological tests such as CERAD and SNSB,

    image analysis such as MRI,

    and biochemical method such as β-amyloid concentration measurement.


    Since rEEG is a more fundamental electrophysiological approach than existing tests,

    it can help uncover new mechanisms of Alzheimer's dementia and,

    as a result,

    can be used to develop more effective dementia treatments in tha near future.

    Excellence of the reactive EEG (rEEG)

    EEG   vs.  rEEG

    (1) Normal Subject:  It is normal, but due to severe stress, decreased brain function and slowed brain waves were measured. EEG analysis alone is misdiagnosed as dementia, but the rEEG analysis turns out to be all activated, and is eventually judged normal.


    (2) MCI Subject:  In the EEG analysis alone, all are activated and misjudged as normal, but as a result of the rEEG analysis, some inactivation is determined as mild cognitive impairment.


    (3) Dementia Subject:  In the EEG analysis, it is partially activated and can be classified as normal or mild cognitive impairment, but as a result of the rEEG analysis, all of them are inactivated and judged as dementia.

    <Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease>

    <Exploratory Clinical Trial at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital>

    The Clinical trial results were compared with

    Neuropsychological testing 



    MRI results.

    - CERAD-K:  Korean version of CERAD                   

    - MMSE:  Mini-Mental State Examination             

     - CDR:  Clinical Dementia Rating                                

    - IADL:  Instrumental Activities of Daily Living       

    - GDS:  Global Deterioration Scale                            

    - SGDS:  Short Form of Geriatric depression Scale

    Depressioin Screening


    Most dementia patients suffer from depression.

    Dementia and depression have similar symptoms.

    The accuracy of dementia diagnosis lies in the ability to separate true dementia from depression.

    With spontaneous EEG, it is difficult to distinguish between true dementia and pseudo-dementia caused by depression,

    as shown in the picture above.

    Only our rEEG distinguishes between true dementia and pseudo-dementia, providing high diagnostic accuracy.

    < Pros of rEEG >

    1. Classification of dementia stages

    -It is not simply a distinction between dementia and no dementia.

    -In the Normal -> MCI -> Dementia stage, you can see where the subject is currently electrophysically.

    -Therefore, early detection of dementia is possible.


    2. Electrophyiological analysis of dementia

    -Rather than simply examining cognitive decline, we examine it from an electrophysiological perspective.

    -That is, stages of dementia are classified according to electrophysiological severity.

    -As a result, electrophysiological testing is possible at the functional stage before detection with imaging devices such as MRI.


    3. Verification of the effectiveness of dementia delay (treatment) drugs

    -It can see what electrophysioloical changes occur in brain cells, when a medication acts on the brain.


    4.  Research on the mechanism of Dementia

    -Electrophysiologically, it can see the stage in which Alzheimer's disease progresses.

    -It may helpful in researching the mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease.

    -As a result, it may be used in the future to develop new treatments for Alzheimer's disease.

    Slowing & Preventing Dementia

    (Electroceuticals & Wellness)

    The core technology to slow & prevent dementia is to stimulate brain cells.

    In order to activate brain cells, Megnosis use transcranial current stimulation (tDCS & tACS).

    Also, Megnosis use the Neurofeedback Technology using the brain plasticity to control brain activity.


    The most inovative technology is the Integration of Diagnosis and Treatment into one device.

    We  developed a 2- in -1 device  that  integrates Brain Wave (EEG + rEEG) and Transcranial Current Stimulation.


    This 2-in-1 device can Patient-Specific Treatment,

    Monitor treatment effect before and after the training,

    and Optimization of Current Stimulation Dose.


    Dementia other than Alzheimer's Disease, Stroke, Parkinson, Epilepsy, Panic Disorder, ADHD


    tCS(tDCS & tACS)

    It is a technology that activates brain cells by applying a minute electric current to the scalp. Megnosis integrates Diagnosis and Treatment in one device.

    Diagnosis with EEG & rEEG, and treatment with tDCS & tACS.

    tDCS is a direct current stimulation, and tACS is a alternate current stimulation.


    Neurofeedback(EEG Biofeedback)

    It is a technology that uses the brain's self-regulation ability  that controls the brain wave  to the optimized state. 

    According to the principle of brain plasticity, Neurofeedback  Training can enhance brain function.

    We use current stimulation to control brain wave for the Neurofeedback Training.



    It is a technology that activates brain cells by inducing an electric

    current in the cerebral cortex by applying an electromagnetic field

    to the head.



    It is a brain function activation technology by irradiating near-infrared rays on the scalp to improve blood flow in the cortex.

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